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Online Cloud Backup


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Online Cloud Backup


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Online Cloud Backup


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Online Cloud Backup


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Online Cloud Backup


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What you get

Backup files and folders

Backup files and folders

Backup Emails

Backup emails

Backup databases

Backup databases

Backup servers & OS

Backup servers & OS



Secure & Fast

Secure & Fast

Customer experiences


5 sterren: perfect, zeker aan te bevelen


Ben al zeker 4 jaar klant by MHP en heb het er altijd prima naar mijn zin gehad .De Boys pakken het altijd heel snal op als er eens een keer iets is . Prijs is leuk en ik ervaar de service als heel goed Kan je MHP zeker aanraden .


Mwaah .. zou zo snel niet iets kunnen noemen.. In alle redelijkheid bieden ze al meer als alle NL providers voor hun prijs.


5 sterren: perfect, zeker aan te bevelen


Snelle respons, vriendelijkheid, accuraat.


top bedankt voor de snelle reactie

Snel de chat opgepakt en geholpen.



Online cloud backup

Online cloud backup secure and easy storage of your files where and when you want. Whether you want an online backup of your images, a large video file or all your text files. With MyBackupPartner all your files are safely stored online in the cloud.

Losing important data is annoying to say the least. Recovering lost files is very difficult not to mention work that has to be done all over again. Loss of precious photos are irreplaceable.

For those who do back up regularly, the question is again where this backup is stored. In a drawer or in the same office? If you forget to make a backup, you're still screwed if your computer crashes.

These problems are easily solved with an online cloud backup at MijnBackupPartner.

Why use online cloud backup?

In the times we live in, an online cloud backup is indispensable. You always have all your files safely and securely stored online. If a fire breaks out in the office or at home, you can be sure that with online backup services you still have all your data.

Five reasons why cloud backup is wise


Unfortunately theft of computers or laptops is still very common. You often hear about laptops being stolen from cars. Computers are also stolen from homes and offices. If you have not made a backup, you have lost all local files.

Broken hard drive

About ten percent of PC hard drives crash within a year. It should be noted that not every crash results in total loss of data. But do you really want to take that risk?

Hard drive repair is costly

You can repair the hard drive after it has failed. Often after the repair it is still possible to retrieve some of the data. However, hard disk repair is a costly service. You should quickly take into account costs between 500 euros and more than 3,000 euros. Then an online cloud backup of 5.99 euros per month is very cheap indeed.

Loss of personal photos and data

Nobody likes to lose personal photos and other files. They are memories that cannot be expressed in money. Photos of your childhood, of your parents or of your own (grand)children. Letters from the past and other personal memories.

Online backup is cheap

Online backup is cheap. A private online cloud backup costs only 5.99 euros per month at MyBackupPartner. For a business package, you'll only spend 8.99 euros per month. Why not spend these few euros, so you can be sure that you will never lose files and memories again. You can relax knowing your files are safely encrypted stored in the cloud backup.

Mijn Backup Partner

Different online cloud backup packages

MyBackupPartner offers several online cloud backup packages:

Business Cloud Backup

For businesses we have two special backup services, namely Business backup and Server backup. It is advisable to make a cloud backup of important files, folders and other data as well as the server. This way you can be sure that you never lose any data.

Frequently asked questions

Is online cloud backup expensive?

No, you can have an online cloud backup personal package for as little as €5.99 per month.

What is online cloud backup?

An online cloud backup is a copy of your data from your hard drive. In case of data loss it is used to restore your data or even your entire hard drive. A backup in the cloud is the same as your backup of files, but then it is stored online in a network of external servers managed by MyBackupPartner.

Why is it important to backup online or in the cloud?

Backing up your data online or in the cloud is important because these data are irreplaceable. Whether it is important and trusted documents, work related items or private photos or videos.It is important that you can rely on an online cloud backup service. This way you know that there is always a copy of these irreplaceable data files. If something goes wrong or wrong, you can easily recover all your data through the online cloud backup and thus avoid data loss.

Order one of the online backup packages on our website and you can be sure that you will never lose, misplace or lose important data again.