Configuring backup tasks

In the backup tool of you can set different tasks to make backups of files. Backups can be made of the entire Windows installation, Personal or Business files or everything at once. In this article we will discuss setting up a backup of 2 specific folders. One folder in the documents folder and one folder in the pictures folder, or pictures.

To start this, open the tool and click on the following action:

Configuring backup tasks

Here we then select the following options to complete this process for the folders:

Configuring backup tasks

Give the backup task a logical name. Such as backup of Tax returns. Or something similar, so that at a later stage it is easy to see what this is for.

Configuring backup tasks

With the plus sign indicated in red the specific folders or files can be selected. This can be done via the Windows Explorer.

Configuring backup tasks

After this you can click on next.

Configuring backup tasks

The commands are for advanced users and more information can be found in another article. For now this is default. At a later stage this can always be changed.

Configuring backup tasks

In this screen the frequency of the backup task can be configured. We want this task to be set on an hourly basis.

Configuring backup tasks

This schedule can also be used for different tasks and thus saved.

Configuring backup tasks

On the Time tab this can be further configured for the time that should be maintained. Again with the Plus sign you can select this.

Configuring backup tasks

Now the schedule is set you see the selected storage location below. This will be explained in another article.

Configuring backup tasks

The Next option can be clicked again.

Configuring backup tasks

After the process has been completed you will see the option to perform the backup immediately. In most cases you can select this option to check the backup immediately to see if everything went well.

Configuring backup tasks

Configuring backup tasks

Configuring backup tasks

The backup is then created, and no further action is required.

Configuring backup tasks

Configuring backup tasks

The backup task is now configured and will make a backup every hour. More settings and current settings can always be adjusted in the specific backup task.